Initial Consultation:

Your initial visit generally lasts up to 90 minutes. Please bring completed copies of all downloaded patient forms.  You may also want to bring any pertinent lab results, diagnostic tests, and medical records from the previous 12 months. Your health history will be thoroughly reviewed, and a physical examination performed. Blood work and other diagnostic tests may be ordered.  You will be given a detailed plan outlining the specific goals and treatments recommended to resolve your symptoms. In addition, you will receive a wellness journal including a daily food log for you to record what you eat, how you sleep, and your daily stress and exercise levels. When appropriate, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) will be initiated. Every new hormone patient will receive the complimentary booklet “Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy” by Neal Rouzier, MD.

Follow-up Visits:
Follow-up visits generally last 30 to 60 minutes. Your first follow-up visit is scheduled 1 to 3 weeks after your initial consultation.


*Please Note: Complex Conditions Require Comprehensive Solutions!

Each patient is unique in his or her health care needs. Functional or holistic medicine is different from traditional medicine in its approach and process. It takes time to accurately address the root issues surrounding each patient’s conditions. Some patients may require multiple, frequent follow-up visits, while other patients are only seen once or twice a year for maintenance.